Sunday, 27 March 2011

weekend roundup!

Heres some of the work I have put in this weekend!

I have had this one for over a year and had wanted to paint him before now. However, he was porly primed .. all bumpy from the humidity and more than a year later was striped and base coated!

More work to do ...
I am planning to pose on Sundays now. As a week in review.

Sunday, 20 March 2011

So its sunday night...

And having had a nice weekend with an outing or two just been nice to relax.
my sabbatical from gaming is nearly over. soon my wolves will once again arise to lay waste to the armies of the 40 first millinium ! I have ordered some more bitz.. in the form of box sets.. which will be looted in short order when they arrive! I am excited! the grey knights are out very soon but I am just not feeling it.. I have never liked the Idea of them but I am hopeful that they are a good and maybe balanced codex as I am sure I will be facing the new hotness sooner or later..
But enough doom. I will be wrapping up a few projects and seeing off the opening of my new blog dedicated to terrain and of course making piles of gold... not.. But maybe it will support my unstable gaming needs! and be an enjoyable little business.

Now onward to the cookies!

well just one more "bad pic" to show off this evening ..

I hope you have enjoyed all of the madness this weekend!

Friday, 18 March 2011

up- date- a- thon!

Well here we are! I have so much iron in the fires and not enough time to work on it!
But like everyone with a fulltime job.. don't we all..
So the mighty uberwolve is very pleased to bring you more pic's of my wolves.

and here are a few more!

So all I have left right now would be some Thunder Wolves!

As you can see they are coming along nicely!

I am looking forward to showing off more but I think this enough for now.. the new digycan is hard to use but works well when you get it right! More soon!

Friday, 4 March 2011


Well it turns out my "MEK pitt" floods .. so production has dropped right off for now though my I.G. is getting some painting love but little else is going on right now. My tanks are all re-based and the inf. is getting some much needed work but once again the weirdness isn't working out well for me.
But pic's will be forth coming.