Friday, 28 March 2014

More Necrons! getting near the end!

Work started on Tuesday this week.
 Working on the aircraft!

Ghost Ark parts!

A few small parts that I need to paint to finish up some of the models.

I spent a lot of time working on the Night Scyths/Doom Scyths today.
I am trying to have them done by the end of this week.

After that I plan to spend a day or two building everything that is left to build and that will set me up to get back to painting and finish up. I am waiting for everything to be painted to do a final QC on the miniatures and then spray top coat.

I am very excited to get-r-done.
I have a TAU project coming up that should be very quick.

I am ending the week priming a lot of small parts and will be basing flight stands in the evening.
I will have a busy weekend wrapping up as much as I can before next month.
I am excited to be so close to the end but I don't want to rush and ruin any models. 
You know what they say about Time and Money!

Thanks for looking!

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Necrons. Nuts and bolts (Couldn't think of a good title.)

It's Monday and work started before 0900. Lots of good progress so far today. Some of these units have so many option( And I am painting them all!) that it can seem like a lot of work on the table.
 Today I felt a order to the chaos and a plan of attack formed , so far so good!

Tuesday I expect to be a little slower. I have a black wash to apply and dying time for that before I can more ahead with more painting.


It's Tuesday!
And it's slow. Today I put the silver metallic and later the black wash on the blades. Drying time.
I have been rounding up the little bitz that still need paint, from primer to colors. Wednesday will be an off day (A friend is driving down for the day and bringing me loot!) so I am setting myself up for a powerful Thursday. I am also cleaning paint brushes today and will likely clean the airbrush as well.
 even with a slow day I am happy that everything is on track!

 Slow start today. But I am pleased that the progress id noticeable!
I am excited to be nearing the end, it's been a good but some times challenging road.

Friday, 14 March 2014

Not much progress to report.

I took the week off to do chores around the house. I did spend some of last weekend cleaning up my colors.
I am looking forward to getting back to work on Monday. I have a lot to do next week. I am looking forward to getting to work on the scyths. I keep reminding my self that I still have a lot to do. A lot of little parts to paint. I will get it all done. And then I have a small job likely coming my way in April. I am getting a little tired of Necrons. But I knew it would just be a matter of time before burn out. I plan to finish strong and then find some time to reset.

 I will try to post some pictures over the weekend. In fact I will give them their own post.
My internet refreshes some time over the weekend!

Have a fun Weekend!

Monday, 10 March 2014

A picture of Guardsmen!


Borrowed space.. For Borrowed pictures.
A few brave souls!

Friday, 7 March 2014

Necrons another week. Slow progress. Updated with progress pictures from the end of today.

I missed 2 days this week due to medical appointments out of town. However, I spent a lot of last weekend doing color corrections on the 60 infantry I posted last week. I am much happier with them now.
So far this week I have been working on Necron vehiclesand starting the glow FX on them.
It's cool and raining today and I have a long wait for paint to day, yesterday was close to the same.
It just slows the work down.

Post updated