Sunday 27 July 2014

WAAAGH DEFF BORK!!! VS Farsights sept.

 On Saturday the Tau invaded Ork controlled space. The ensuing battle For the ancient relic Known in the Orks savage tongue as " Da' Poker chip of winnin!"

Despite the size of the Savage hoard the Tau bravely shot and shot and shot them some more. Losses were to high for the Orks and the game ended on turn 3.
This is was my first game against TAU in many years they are fairly scary and very shooty, more so then I remember them being. This is also the second game with Orks and 7th. Still love them to deff!
Sorry in advance. These are two accounts of the same battle I posted on two forums. 

Played a very relaxed game today. This is game two with the new codex. My Deff Boss and Bork Boss ordered an assault on the Farsite's fish boys. Our mission was Relic and we had Long edge deployment zones. I won deployment zone and went second and then Rolled a 6!!!

I was trying the Ork Hoard formation with that boss, the Bork Boss as my War lord. His trait made the boys fearless when the Waaagh was called. This was hugely helpful although our game was lost by turn 3... I managed to get a first turn assault..that is I was able to declare the assault with my 15 Storm Boys who were promptly gunned down in Over Watch. It took a pathfinder unit 2 riptides and a large fire warrior squad as well as some "missile sides" and drones to kill them .He had no hits with his marker lights. Quite the shock, I mean you read about it and you know it's going to be bad and then it takes all that work from all those units to kill 15 boys... 
He had effectively set the trap and I came crashing in. 
I did manage to charge again across the whole front of his army on turn two.
I gave up first blood, warlord and only earned line beaker despite sitting on the objective for 2 turns.
The opportunity to drag the relic off to the Mek shop was lost at the end of turn 3. And we called the game at that point.
Those fish heads hit hard in shooting and I had expected to have the losses I had. But it wasn't all that bad for my first encounter with the blue skins. We trampled 2 units of fire warriors,Killed a unit of path finders to deff with Ard boys routed a unit of suits from the board and made a huge mess along the way yelling and screaming the whole time! The high points deep striking my Ard boys with warp head, power vomiting frazziling and then Jumping away! all in one phase. Deep striking my Deff Boss and MANZ right onto the Objective safely, maintaining my hold on the relic for another turn. I managed 4 assaults in one turn that rolled above 10 and were well with in that range! I think I failed 2 charges all game. I declared challenges at every opportunity and They were avoided, which did not help him at all. My thoughts. Despite loosing I had a very good time. My opponent did not create any undue stress on my and realized I was trying to give him a good thrashing. To my credit he decided to fight back as hard as he could. I still need to refine the list, which would have been very good against Marines or Chaos but fish heads ....I needed some vehicles. I took none. I had 11 troop,2 Elite 1 Fast and 4 HQ And 1 Heavy. A deff dred which did nothing, more or less.
I am considering a green tide made of shoot boys. Might give that a try. Still have a little to work

 out but still loving this codex. ( If it wasn't clear I used the Gaz FOC for my second detachment.) 

Our game, yesterday, lasted three turns. Fish Heads of the Farsite variety Vs the up and coming tag team of DEFF Boss and Bork Boss (known as "the Killy Express" in some circles.) 

We played 2000 points.
Long edges for deployment and the relic..... 
If it's scary it was in his list, also their were some fire warriors... 

I ran.
The Ork Hoard/warband  formation from Codex Orks as the Primary 
Supported by the Codex Gaz FOC as a detachment.

The Bork Boss, formerly a Konverted Boss/Mad Dok count as .
Rolled a 1, Prophet of Da WAAAAGH.
Being able to call Da WAAAGH every turn kept the boys fearless and able to play.
Unfortunately... I am only now seeing that He couldn't have done that on turn one..
But no matter I'll no make that mistake again and Had I known and played it correctly the game would have been over in two turns, My Loss. So What ever... And ta Zog wiff Doze Fish Heads anyway.

But it was a game I had been stressing over ,My Opponent is the equivalent of playing a computer on Hard mode. My error put me in the game and made him blink. which was good for me. the last thing I wanted was a one sided loss, My own. He did his best to help me decide how to best fight hos fish'ead, an army I have never looked forward to fighting. He's a very competent player with an army that runs it self. But don't take that the wrong way, I had a good time kicking and punching as much as I could so as a training tool it was very useful. He has wanted me to give him a solid beating for a few months now and the largest reason I have not been able to has remained the same. My list. I'm not trying to "optimize" my codex down to the 3 or 4 beastly best units. That's just not me. I have seen where a different list would be a load better honestly I needed shooting and brought none. The little shooting I had was fairly effective, not "perfect" but enough to be noticeable. 
Sadly? or not sadly.. I am looking at the fast attack options and drooling over more of the for next time. I ad 15 storm boys zing right up and into an attempted assault. this threat allowed my army to move up and then assault in the next turn. despite loosing all the storm boys.
As a list change I am looking at small back field support to shoot past my army while I move forward. Lobbas and a SAG for sure. I need to inflict some casualties. I also had no shoota boys, truks, traks, Koptas or aircraft. This was wrong. As rewarding as kickin a fishy man in its fishy I'll nutz is...  It just isn't enough to get the job done.

But lets wrap this up for now with a few highlights.
On turn two I deep struk a mob of ard boys with Warp head. Spot on and power puked!,frazzled and Jumped away to a safer spot, from the center of the board to a lighter and safer spot.
On turn three my Deff boss and 4 MANZ landed again near Spot on to the relic but were all cooked to deff by fusion and flack fire. I still had the relic with ,potentially, with a lone nob who made 5 out of 7 cover saves. I rolled all five! and was all "Can I get ah Hell Ya!". And was promptly told I had forgotten two dice...D'oh! which I then 
I declared an assault ,at one point, with my warphead who would have needed an 11 or 12 to make the distance. The point being to throw him into all that over watch fire first saving a lot of boys. Either way he was gunned down and 2 of 3 other mobs made the assault the third rolled snake eyes twice. 
I liked the manner in which we did all the over watch.
1, Declare the charge.
2, He does all his overwatch firing.
This means models are still able to get any cover saves or still able to be inside of KFF range.
3, Remove the deadunz.
4, Roll distance to see if I can make it in.
This was good because Had I rolled first his shooting would have felt more like he was taking my roll from me,had I rolled just what I needed at the start. Once the shooting is done then I can see what I need to roll and it's all on my to make it. Not so bat as I made a fair amount of charges regardless of losses.
6, Over run fleeing Fire Warriors !

I have some pictures and some video for notes to use for a proppa report. That will be for the blog and I'll link it back when it's up.
 Don't wish to repeat myself any further. I hope the recount was fairly Entertaining. 
The pictures bellow are in order. though I sadly missed a few exciting moments. 

The Bork Boss and Manz center deployment.

Big Mek whaz itdu.
Deployed Far right of Bork Boss with 4 Mobz of boyz and a storm boy mob.
The plan was to get stuck in with the riptides.

Ork forces advance as quickly as their stumpy legs will carry them.
No Fear.

run moves are always an issue when the boys are all packed in like this. the ones in the front don't feel like runnin and the ones in the back don't feel like goin slow!

The far left flank pushes toward the center.

Same as above.

You can tell they fear us by the way they fire.

The Castle of fish gunz.

Losses on the right side were ...noticeable.
They did brake through and make assault in turn two. trouncing weedy fish heads foot soldjaz.

Two mobs just after chasing a suite team off the field! the suites fell back 15" off the table.

Having wiped out a fire warrior squad the 3 remaining boys drool for the oppertunity to kill a riptide!
Seen on the right.
The mob on the left beat a suite team but could not catch them.
They would be gunned down shortly after failing to catch their prey.
Such is the life of an ork.

Bork Boss and Da' MANZ Mob.Took the loot.
A very short lived victory, Prior to that they failed to charge a suite team.
Bork and Da Manz were shortly reduced to atoms.
They popped like popcorn. "I think it's an allergic reaction to deff by Fusion."

More Mobs trying to get to da front!

"Nothing left to do but clean up"

And in a blinding flash Bork Boss and Da' Manz mon were gone.
Leaving the loot.

The Next Flash dropped the Deff Boss and more Manz on Da' Loot!
Glory is very short lived.
The Fish commander decided he wanted to redecorate the table with fusion induced popcorn.
And the Manz and deff boss were quickly killed.

After that we called the game. 2 points fishboys 1 point Orks.

After further thought My mistakes cost me the game.
I was mistaked that my formation would let me call the waaagh on turn 1.
Doing so cost me a full unit of storm boys half a turn early freeing up those units to pick other targets on their turn. It took roughly 6 of his units to kill the storm boys and gave up first blood.
next time make him shoot that stuff on his turn and charge on mine,with more stuff.

Thanks for reading !

And lastly! The Tau have landed the shop is full! I have real work to do! Stay on the lookout for some Tau Work in Progress beginning very soon! 

Thanks for looking!

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