Tuesday, 11 May 2021

Orks vs AM 10 May 21' Noncompetitive vs Semi-competitive lists.


WAAAGH! GorGak vs. Astra Millitarum.

Ork Armylist here.

No idea what mission was played or the final score. 
Something like 60 to 75 AM wins.
Who knows.

Orks deploy at the edge of their deployment zone. 
Boys plan to run up behind the Deff Dreads, gots just there to be in the way.
Light shooting at the AM. Orks lost some Mek Gunz and a Dread.

AM deploys set up to screen their field from any attempt the Orks my make to jump across the board early. Tanks ready to move as little as possible and shoot. 
Manticores hiding behind a building.

Ogryn squads, priest and Astropath move up in support of each other. 
Shots mostly just bounce off the Ogryn.

Orks go second and take a bit of a beating. 4 Mek guns 2 Deff Dreads and some boys and grots destroyed. 
Ork move out, trukks move up small mob mobs up with big mob bubble chukks puts some damage on the Russ on the Orks right. 

AM score an objective but take squad losses.
For the Emperor.

Light shuffle in the back field.

Ogryn too far to charge the boys who had to bail out of their destroyed trukk
Down to 1 Mek Gun now. 

AM doing AM stuff.

Despite the grott losses thye pass their morale checks and stay on the field to set up a screen stifling the charge options of the Ogryn ! 
They would some how survive and fall back. The dice love the pitiful grots.

The Orks would throw lots of their shooting at the Ogryn but hardly put a dent into those slabby meat men. More boys had joined the big mob. 

The Orks charge, boys the the Boss. 

Deff Kopta clears the objective and crosses into the next table quarter. 

Mek sticking with some grots just to play it safe but plans to encourage them to move up the field.
He'll tag along to make sure they go.

The big scrum.
The WAAAGh banner nob and pain boy keep up with the big mob. 
The Warphead continues to boos the war bosses fightin abilities and throws out a smite. 
In all the fighting the Ogryn thump on the Warboss and deal 2 damage to him. The Pain boy will heal the Warboss for 1 wound recovered... Jobs a goodun' boss! 

The War boss also get stuck in bit rolls really badly, not enough extra attacks in the end. I think he deals 7 wounds when it's done but the Ogryn have a mixed save and mostly save with their INV save, no love for GorGak, the AM's dice protect their own.
The boys will kill enough Ogryn the clear a path between the fight and the building.

You can see that avenue that leads right to the AM heroes, all alone now. 
The boys have been fighting Ogryn for what seems like forever. 2 big squads of them.
This is going to take all day.

GorGak and his lone remaining grot both manage the charge the grots always goes first.
GorGak makes the mistake of not attempting a slightly longer charge to tag both AM characters and slays the Priest but can only contact the Astropath who slays the hapless grot.

We call the game at the end of Orks turn 3. No reason to continue as the Orks are running out of Orks and all the AM have to do is back up and shoot on one side of the table and make a rush forward on the other where they are safe from the Orks. All while the Orks continue to give up the only valuable recourses they have, the Warboss and more boys. 

This game was lightly entertaining and I did learn more about 9th as well as my Orks. 
I had completely misunderstood how CP's work with detachments and had thought I was starting the game with 16 CP. I hadn't realized it was a flat 12 having sent 4 and then having them refunded.
I was a bit shocked and disappointed by that but I will adjust. this list to be compliant and it will turn into a net gain for this list. My list had 6 mobs of Skarboys so that they can all mob up and in theory this will cost up to 11 CP over 5 turns. 6 pregame and 1 every turn there after. I'll take my 6 Cp back and gain a few extra tricks.  

The Up's and Down's of this list.
It was too easy to block this army into it's deployment zone and due to poor placement couldn't get enough use from it's mek guns or dreads. I had not realized how vulnerable all of that was.
On top of that I ran out of units and I now believe I would turn every mob of Ork Boys into mobs of 10
When fighting AM. The new structure will be a work in progress but the concept is meant as a means of protection from Blast weapons early in the game. 

Once again the terrain felt weird. Like it was not enough or spread too much. Not a fan.
Much like other additions, the more terrain you use the more of a game it will be for both sides as I feel very strongly that GW wants both players to have to roll high, or at the very least wants both players to fish for 4's,5's and 6's. for most of the game. (Well really 4's and 5's. )

I'm thrilled to have gotten the Orks out for a game.
I'm already working on another list. 

After watching the AM play I will be looking forward to getting my AM out for a game.
Hopefully I can make that happen.

Thanks for reading. 


  1. I love the painting on both sides! Nice table too, mate.

  2. Lovely painting and table, sir.
