I am having trouble finding the time with work and painting.
I will work on this. I am painting a load of Space Wolves at the moment.
I will be getting pic's and do a pic' post full of all my work for the last months.
My guard is getting another brake from the table top and being slid a bit back for painting. Honestly I am getting more done by doing less. Sounds weird I guess but By slowing down I am not feeling burned out and this has improved my results and productivity.
I am learning to air brush and this has been challenging and exciting.
I hope to learn a lot over the next 11 months. As in that time I will no doubt be in Afghanistan again.
My gaming has almost doped off but I am looking forward to get stuck in again very soon, with my own Wolves as well. I realized that my IG was too much to tote around despite my enthusiasm.
So a smaller army should make gaming easy again.