Thursday, 28 June 2018

ETL second vow part 2


Sunday, 3 June 2018

Second ETL Vow Part 1

Starting the second vow for this season.
His glorious and majestic mountain of angry gnashing teeth and stompy boots commands yet again to get stuck in!
I warhead01, his beaten and well trained representative, do Vow to complete for the greater glory of the mighty WAAAAGH GorGak and the lesser but still great, it's fantastic!, glory of the almost but not quite as mighty Waaaagh here on the B&C representing Da Orks in this years ETL.

The following units are Vowed.
4 Nobz with choppas and kustom shootas. 84 points
5 Storm boys (will be ordered next week.) 40 points
2 War Koptas  161 X2 = 322
1 runtherd 26 points
1 Killa Kan with Grotzooka  61 points
29 shoota boys 174 points
a total of 707 points committed.
(I'll be able to post the pictures of the models I already have here tomorrow morning. )
All of this will be done prior too  August First or we has banner of shame for a year. 
And with that said in public... 
Let the games begin..again!