Monday, 28 February 2022

Spewed forth from the Bloody pit of Horrors, 100 ZOMBIES!


My friend Kieran sent me a box stuffed with 70 Wargames Factory zombies!
In about 7 days I managed to get them all painted... 

I think they turned out fairly well and match the 30 I had already painted. 

I know I haven't had a post with many models in it recently, hope this makes up for that.

Sunday, 27 February 2022

Zombie Mayhem! i The bloody pit of Horrors rule set. (part 4 Mission sheet.)

 I'm still cracking away at this project. This is the first attempt at a mission briefing in the style I envision.

This was made in windows pain so I expect this can be cleaned up more than a little bit. 

I know this project is very rough still. 
That said I feel like it's starting to iron itself out.

I'm still hopeful that this whole project will be reduced to only a handful of pages.

Lastly, I'll have a post coming that you might not want to miss.
I've been doing a fair bit of painting in support of this project so stay tuned!

Thursday, 24 February 2022

Zombie mayhem ! -The Bloody pit of Horrors rule set (part 3 the rough draft.)


So it's finally starting to come together. I sat down a few days ago and cranked out about 6 or so pages with vey little actual effort. Much to my surprise. This is that and a little more. 
I'm posting it here to maintain the rough draft as I expect the document will be edited quite a bit and I would like to keep my original intent saved to keep me from wondering too far off the plot when the time comes. 

Have a read and leave a comment if you like. If you find something confusing in the beginning it may have been addressed in the later pages. Again, this is a work in progress. 

Zombies! Mayhem from the Bloody pit of Horrors.
Rule set.

Part 1.
So, what rules are we using?

Generically we will be using the Warhammer 40,000 rules set as a template drawing from 3rd edition to 9th.

Game sequence is as follows.
1. Determine the mission and table set up, sometimes called the map. This means table size and deployment structure. See mission briefing for recommended choices.

2. The player or players set up first. If more than one player, roll off to see which player sets up the first model or unit. High dice wins roll again for ties However, Highest dice roll for the first round or rolls, before any roll off has won the roll the rest are only needed to determine deployment order. Or to speed things up the winner of the first roll/rolling off for a tie sets up first no more rolls are needed the rest of the players can set up going clockwise or counter clockwise. Figure it out for yourself.

3. Set up Zombie tokens or Zombie models as per mission.
Zombie tokens or Zombies will set up no closer than 10’ horizontal to any player unit or character model or models.

4. Zombies may steal the first turn. Roll off. The player who deployed first must roll 1 dice the Zombies get to roll 1 dice, any player can roll this dice for the Zombies. Should the Zombies die roll a higher number than the player dice, the zombies have taken the first turn. “And hell's coming with them!” 

5. From here we move into the sequence of play from Warhammer 40,000
Not every edition is the same. For this mod we use the command phase only for counting score or playing any cards that say “before the movement phase or rolling on any charts from the mission brief.
Note+ I feel leaving the command phase in is reasonable for any book keeping as a placeholder if nothing else. It may not be used or it could be needed so I am leaving it in even though it didn’t exist in some editions of Warhammer 40,000.  (Better to have it and not need it.)

6. Psychic phase, cast powers or don’t. See Warhammer 40,000.
Notes. ( Not every edition has a Psychic phase and that doesn’t matter because this mod is meant to be fluid enough to allow for a variety of psychic powers from any edition or possibly every edition. Players will need to hash it out and decide what they find is fair for themselves.)

7. Movement phase.
See Warhammer 40,000. However, I am open to letting players decide to charge instead of a normal move/run option. More on this later!!!
Players move or run or charge.
Zombies on their rune do the same. 

8. Shooting Phase.
Unlike Warhammer 40,000 shooting is only done by the players or any special Boss models or opposing shooting models, as yet none exist.
Shooting Zombies is easy. Player models shooting do not need to roll to hit if they did not move.
If they have moved or are in close combat they do need to roll to hit. The standard roll at range is a 2+ or if they ran a 4+.. In close combat the must subtract 1 forever 2 zombies, rounding up the to hit roll from there. So a 2+ moves to a 3+, 4+ and so on.
Player models not in close combat can shoot into any combat but they may not target a Zombie model within 1” of a player model. Shooting into close combat requires a hit roll of 2+ or higher.

Other things that adjust to hit rolls are as follows. Cover Light cover -1 Hard cover -2  Fast moving targets -1 to it. A fast moving target is any target that moves over 10 inches.
Overwarch fire -1 to hit against targets in the open or -2 for targets crossing between cover, from cover to cover.

9 close combat.
See Warhammer 40,000.
Alternatively you can pick a different method for charging. For this mod I might say movement speed + D6 or 2D3 for player model/units.
More thought on this is needed.

When Zombies charge, player models can attempt to over-watch as a reaction. Players roll to hit on a 3+ or better.
Any model already in close combat can still attempt to fire over-watch however, those rolls hit on a 4+ unless outnumbered 3 to1 in which case the it roll is a 5+, if out numbered more than 3 to 1 the hit roll is a 6+
Notes. (I’m just spitballing here, I have no idea if this is worth the trouble the way I have it. It’s more about player engagement than results of a dice roll. )

After combat models consolidate up to 3’ in any direction if no longer in close combat. If within 3” of an enemy model they must pile in to base contact with the closest enemy model.
Models who plie in in this way count as charging. 

More thought on this is needed on all of this.
Most of this is subject to change and the intent is those adjustments will be listed on the mission brief.  

Plant the beacons and a hopeless task.
Objective plant at least 4 beacons 1 in each table quarter or 4 in the center zone.

To plan a beacon a play model must stand in an objective zone for 1 turn from when a model moves into that zone until its next command phase. Only 1 model may attempt to place a beacon in any zone at a time. However if that model is slain another single friendly model can attempt to finish the job*
In all cases slay as many zombies as you can throughout the game.

Victory conditions?

deploy as many beacons as you can in as many objective zones as you can. After a beacon is deployed, roll 2D3 and record that number. Every objective after  the first is worth 1 additional d3 added to the roll. Players must attempt to deploy a beacon on a new objective after deploying their first beacon. Ad 1 to the roll at every new objective  a player has not yet successfully deployed a beacon on.  The player who has the largest total at the end of the game wins.

(Note No idea what kind of score this creates, will be ironed out,)

Zombies are trying to eat your brains and ruin your day. 

In the event of several players the player who plants the most is winning. In the event of a tie the player who had slain the most Zombie takes the lead or the win. This score is counted every turn. Keep a kill count you will need to know the tally throughout the game. This is called the Tally of the slain.

If there are more Zombies than player models on the objective zone at the end of the game the zombies win.

If every player model is slain by the end of the game the Zombies win.  

Deployment as follows.

Place Objectives 1 in each table quarter and one in the center of the table.
Map 1 - Table quarters.
1 player rolls 1 d6 one player rolls 1 D6 for the Zombies. The high dice picks the table quarter the low dice takes the opposite No models may deploy within 9” of the center of the table.

Start the game. 

More mission notes here.

Some special rules.

Sometimes things get set on fire and sometimes those things may explode.
In the event a flammable object is near another flammable or highly flammable (or explosive) object a player can spend 5 points from their kill tally of the slain to ensure an explosion. This may be done once per explosive object and again on another within 2 inches for the cost of another 5 points from their tally of the slain. Any Zombies slain from this explosion are added to the player's kill tally count. More on this below. More in general needs to be added.

Blast weapons.
Small blast - These weapons shoot much like other ranged attacks mentioned above.
However, when targeting a Zombie with a blast weapon other Zombies may also be hit. Any Zombie models within 1 inch of the target Zombie are also hit any Zombie with in 3 inches of the target zombie are hit on a hit roll**l (blast roll) of 4+.
Large blast - Zombie models within 2 inches of the target zombie may also be hit. Any Zombies within 4 inches of the target zombie may also be hit but on a blast roll** of 4+

( work in progress)

Flame weapons.
There are usually 3 range bands for flam weapons 3 inches, 8 inches and 12 inches.

The weapons automatically hit. Draw a line up to the length of the range band that is 1” wide.
Every zombie under that line is hit. Any Zombie model within 1 inch of any of the hit zombies are also hit. At the furthest point , the last model hit, any models within 2 inches of that model are also hit. (Work in progress.)
Any flammable, highly flammable or object or explosive object may also be affected.

Game events and special rules.

At the start of the first command phase roll a dice on a 5+ there is a thick fog and all range attacks suffer a -1 to hit when targeting enemy models out side of 12 inches.

Space Marines.
You're a Space Marine, get up and slay the enemies of the emperor!
When a Space Marine is slain, roll 1d6 on a 1 that Space Marine is slain. On any other number that Space Marine gets back on their feet and continues the fight. However, all to hit rolls are on a -2 to hit and movement is reduced by 2 inches they can however charge and fight.
This condition is removed at the start of the owning player's next command phase.
On the roll of a 6+ the Space Marine will stand up with half it’s starting wounds may shoot moe and fight in close combat with a -1 to each of those but will only add 1D3 for any attempts to run.

Move Move Move! Player model may skip shooting and make a double move.
To resolve a run the move is as follows: Move, move + run.

Chain Kill !

 Ranged attacks shoot 3 times the number of shots provided the shooting model did not move or is standing in an objective zone and targeting Zombies at half the weapons attack range. In an objective zone they may reroll to wound at the cost of 5 from their kill count for every 2 rerolls to wound. Yes you can spend more than 5 from your recorded tally of kills !! This player model may not shoot with this weapon in the next shooting phase.

Team work.

If more than one player model is on the same objective they may work together.
1. Add 1 to any test rolls while on the objective.

2. When shooting zombies on or within 3 inches of this objective marker triple the number of shots made by these models. All hits automatically wound. Wounds are dealt to the closest zombies first. If this slays at least 7 zombies clear the objective of any and all remaining zombie models. Good job. Each model is given ¼ the total number of slain zombies to add to their kill tally. This costs 7 points from each model's kill tally. (work in progress.)

Glorious close Combat! 

Player models may spend 5from their tally of the slain provided they are outnumbered more than by 6 or more zombies. If they choose to do this every 6+ to hit generates a further attack. Each attack may also generate a further attack.

Honor demands Triumph!
Player models may spend 5 from their tally of the slain to reroll to wound in close combat.
This may only stack with the Glorious close combat but only at the cost of 15 from their tally of the slain and only after turn 4 no sooner.

Notes. I have no idea if this is overly OP or not. Just sounds like madness.

Hold the line!
Player models form a line by being no further than 2 inches away from each other.
This cost 5 from each player’s tally of the slain. Hold the line allows player models to reroll their saves and make an attack out of turn for every roll of a 1 made by the zombies.
If stacked with any of the other close combat stratagems it costs 15 from the tally of the slain.

Zombie stuff.
Zombie tokens. Roll 2 d6 and place that many tokens on the table ½  of them in the opposite table quarter to the players and ¼ of the remaining in each of the other two table quarters. Each token represents several zombies. Roll 3D3 to see how many zombies are there when a player model ends it’s move within 18 inches and in line of sight of any token. Any zombie token which will end it’s move in line of sight and within 12 inches of a player model will also roll 3d3 to determine the number of zombies However, no model may end it’s move closer to the player models that the zombie token may have moved. Dice generated zombies should be placed in a clump or blob of models just behind the Zombie toke model. 

In all cases treat the zombie token as a model and the closest model when the number of zombies is determined. (3d3-1 = total number of Zombies.)

 Zombies are not a unit as such but move like a unit. All models revealed together move in the same direction at the same time. In later turns they will always move toward the closest player model to them, some zombies may move in one direction while others move in a different direction toward a player model closer to them. Any Zombie who would be equal distance from a different player model follows any group of zombies it was with that is larger.  This is done to keep the game moving.
Revealed Zombies may charge, fight in close combat if charged.

While each zombie is a unit of 1 all zombie attacks against the same player model or player unit may be rolled together. In the case of fighting a player unit defending player always assigns saves, if there is an equal number of wounds to save ever model in the defending un must attempt to save, always divide equally, any excess wounds can be assigned by the defending player to whichever of their defending models they choose.
(I hope this is clear. ?)

More Zombie behavior stuff here.

Zombie spawn points. Some missions will tell players to set up a number of zombie spawn points. Zombies spawned from these points move onto the table from those points.
Roll ro determine the number of zombies that come onto the table. These spawn points will not activate until every zombie token that started on the table has been revealed to be however many zombies, see determining number of zombies just above.

For this game place 4 zombie spawn points. 2 in the zombie deployment zone and 1 in each of the unclaimed table quarters. None may be placed in the player's deployment zone/area.

Special rules, natural rules and conditions.

Zombie mobbing.

 When outnumbering the player models, zombies gain +1 to hit for every 3 more zombies than player models. Rounding up.

Wall of nasty flesh. 

 If the Zombies can completely surround the player models the zombies gain +1 to wound against that player model.

Too many Zombies.
If there are too many zombies in an objective zone the players no longer control it and any action they were attempting is ended. Some exceptions.

Zombie rush!
Each turn after the first turn Zombies add 1 inch to their movement and 1 inch to their charge range.

Zombie gore frenzy.
Zombies on an objective but moving towards any player model or unit add 1 inch to their movement and their charge move, this is added to any extra zombie movement.

Mushy meaty mess.
Slain Zombies in the number of 8 or more create a nasty meaty mess that player models will have difficulty crossing roll difficult terrain. If the number of slain models were 12 or more roll difficult terrain on a double 1 the player model falls prone and must spend it’s turn standing, it may not move or charge but may shoot and fight if charged or engaged in close combat.

Flammable, Highly flammable and Exploding objects.

Zombies who are on fire may catch other zombies on fire if they are in base contact roll a D6. On a 5+ any zombie hit with a flame weapon attack catches fire. Any zombie in base contact with a zombie on fire catches fire on the roll of a 6+ Zombies on fire are wounded on a 3+ until dead. Theoretically a zombie on fire which does not immediately die can continue to burn and set other zombies ablaze indefinitely. However this will be more important if there are other objects on the table that might explode. In such an event roll 1 extra dice for every flaming zombie within 1 inch of a potentially exploding object. Oil drums for example. Also see chain reaction.

Exploding objects hit every model within 5 inches and may set off any other exploding object that is within 3 inches of the exploding object, when it first explodes.

Damage from exploding objects.

Each model hit by an exploding object will be wounded by a ST 4 attack Damage of 1.

Any models within base contact of an exploding object will take Damage D3. 

Zombies stat block from Codex Eye of Terror.
    M   WS BS  S  T  W  I   A  LD SV

  • 3      2   3  3   1   3  1    7   5+


*2D6 pick the highest
Zombies may not climb vertical walls more than twice their height and may not climb ladders..

Keep this in mind when selecting terrain.

Player stuff.

I don’t know. I’m still working this stuff out. You might play a movie marine or a legions Astarte's or any kind of Space Marine. Including Chaos Space Marine. If your model (singular) doesn’t have several wounds on it’s profile from the book you chose it has 4 base. If you choose a squad of up to 5 models they each have 2 wounds base.

This is really open to the players to decide what they want, it doesn't matter just pick something cool and have a blast.
I have not given any thought to players fielding Bikes, cavalry or jump troops at this time.(Or Terminators, but I can see Terminators having a place in this mod for sure!)

Home brewed characters is also an option worth exploring.

I hope this is enough to get this game off and running. I’m just throwing numbers out there for costs and for considering the outnumbering rules, these are all subject to change after play testing.

Mission ideas.

Escort mission.
Move mvp from start point to exit point

Defend the center.
Several objectives are set in the center players must defend them
Zombies must get into base to base with the objectives and stay there for a full turn every 5 zombies in base contact generates a point for the zombie score tally
Players score 1 point for every zombie killed in the center zone and 1 point for every objective cleared of zombies at the end of the game. A zombie victory cancels any player victory.
Players keep tally and score independently of each other and the zombies.
Every player for themselves in a group effort to save the day. 

The big zombie chase.
Players must run away from the zombies. They are low on ammo and must roll to see if they can continue to shoot.

I’m planning to play this game on a 4 foot by 4 foot table. No idea if that is too big or too small at thi time.

Objective zones are Objective markers of slightly larger than 6 inches in size. Look at Warhammer 40K 9th edition for reference. These may in fact be larger than 7 inch areas.

Currently this game is being written with the idea that players will play Space marines of some kind. I do hope to get more creative in the future and adjust for Imperial guard, sisters of Battle, Eldar. Orks and maybe more. Most of these would probably play well enough with this rule set but again I have Space Marines in mind at this time. 

I would recommend players use a dry erase board to help keep track of their points discord and kill tally and game turns. Some kind of player aid to help run the game smoothly.

I do plan to add more events and stratagems to this mod. I want those to be mission oriented and streamlined. I realize what I have already stuck into this game may be a bit of a mess. However everything in this first rule set is meant to be played using the mission from the pages above as a trial run.