Any port in a storm?
Glad to continue drawing. I am just trying to keep it going.
I may have mentioned my brother requested a specific picture from a scene in his second story.
I hat a snag on that several months ago and more or less was unable to draw there after.
So these Oni have been working out really well and getting the juices going again.

I see a lot of swords drawn where the blade and the sword handle are very poorly thought out. They don't line up correctly. Makes me crazy.
The blade was done in three lines using a make shift straight edge. The center line tracks down to center the swords handle. Granted this one is still a bit shit.

These Oni, the first and second, were once men. Or maybe still are.
Monstrous acts make a monster.
Sooner or later I will get to the real Oni.
I have an idea for that coming together right now.
Thanks for having a look.
Thanks for having a look.
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