Sunday, 1 May 2011

Short and sweet.

No pic's this weekend, Spent all weekend in the "real" world. but all is well, or as well as my crazy lets me be.. And I'm thinking orkz! so I have been rummaging through my bitz box. What about ard boyz? ..but Shoota Ard boyz? could be good.

But the guard did get a little time on Saturday. the tracks have been painted black. I am toying with a black line look for the armour but I am not going to paint the bolts all over the tanks. That would be unrealistic. I am going to add the Basilisks to the "euro" troop I decided this this morning. the reasoning being Apocalypse.

And I am thinking about terrain. A dark heavy ash waste, with snow and mud. should look like a place no one would want to fight over... to crappy to clam. This one will be planed out.

Sorry for not giving up any pics.. you lot are all way too spoiled as it is..

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