Saturday, 27 February 2016

Another Space Wolf hero.

I've had a lot going on these last many days and am finally getting around to miniatures again!

I'm reworking my counts as Logan Grimnar into another yet unnamed Hero of the Space Wolves.
Here's some wip.

I've had the sword in my bitz box for a long time. Left over from a blood letter of Khorne.

Of the 10 Wulfen I have now I have only started the first 5. The other are still in the box.
I was working on a kit review as requested but got too busy with other things to get it finished.
Not sure I will finish it, there are so many good bad and otherwise terrible reviews of the kit on like.
I will say that there are a load of bitz in the box.
I'll also tell you, when painting these guys, don't have the heads glued on. Their big o'll hair gets in the way!
Some planning before you start will go a long way to getting them right.
As far as conversions go. I just don't know yet. I followed the directions for the first kit to see how things would turn out.
I might try some ...creativity of my own for the next kit.

Thanks for reading.
More to come!

Friday, 19 February 2016

Dreadnought update

He's big, he's Bad he's beautiful, He's crazy!

He's done.

An Axe of Fire and Ice.

Looking nice and metal now.

Epic Level Dreadnought. lol.

Sunday, 14 February 2016

I think it's no secret that I always have my mind running all over the place.  Thinking about this that or the other. Today I started looking into building a void Shield Generator which my Orks will have long ago looted from Imperial hands. I spent a little time this morning looking around Ebay and Amazon for parts.
I'm not overly impressed?, if that's the right way to put it, with GW's VSG which can still be found for around 500.00 teef. on line, mostly sold on Ebay. I'm tempted to look for a super cheap Knockoff but have yet to do that. I have plenty of things around the shop I could use to build one and am planning to do that.
To start with I have a bastion kit still on the sprue. This will be the base of the VSG. Next I started looking for a Doctor who Sonic Screwdriver. There are lots to choose from.
Now I am wondering how far to go. Do I use one, two, three or more? One's for sure. These things cont roughly 25.00, more or less.

Lots to think about. Either way I am looking forward to using on in a more competitive list. I have a Scrumgrod who wants a Scrap after his loss last year. He's going to get one but not the one he wants.
My lot like to win. And there's a rumor going around that his lot ..suck. lol.
(Although I may have just started that ...just now..)

New tactic to try. I've only just reread Vehicles in assault.

Set up a multi assault where my heaviest hitter and hit unit assault both a squad and a vehicle.
Each glance counts as one wound and each penetrating hit counts as two. An assault in this fashion could easily swing combat results to my favor. A year ago I had a Gorkanaught make contact with a squad of blood claws and a Storm Wolf. Had I known the rules correctly I could have done this. This seems to me to be strongest against anything non Space Marine. IG Blobs, and other such enemy units could be very vulnerable to this. Be mindful of Fearless enemy units. This won't work at all on them. After "winning combat"( By which I mean shaking a transport apart) remember to trample the fleeing enemy.

I have started a monster Space Wolves post which will list my collection and have pictures.
It still a work in progress.

Have I mentioned I dream about my Orks?
More proof of their true power.

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Space Wolves - complete the collection list.

With all the excitement surrounding the wulfen release for the Space Wolves I've been sucked back in. It's feeling like a curse of the wulfen reference... that or another bad joke on my part.
The blood fever has led me to purchase a few wulfen kits as well as a few other models for my Space Wolves collection.
Last evening I set to work on a Chaplin Dreadnought, now a wolf Priest Dreadnought. It's early days but it's looking very nice. Still thinking about some wolf pelts and other adornments. I have a good feeling about where it's headed. His Axe and Shield are on the way and due to arrive some time next week or so.
Wip pictures to come.

Caestus Assault Ram, 1 kit
Dreadnought Droppod, 1 kit
Storm Wolf, 1 kit
Space wolves upgrade kit, 1

Rebuild 1 land raider previously chopped up for parts if possible.
Find my Bag of Fin wolves!!! they've been missing for almost tow years!
Finish painting all models
Find bag of Fin wolves.... Just to remind myself.
Make Wolf Scouts from bitz. If the mood takes me.

Maybe buy a few Imperial Knights. Just to round things out.
Some wip pictures

"Wolf Priest Dreadnought"
His arms, Axe and Shield arrive later this week.

More Mayhem to come.